[Press] The Delos AI Team of the Coling Lab wins the Contamination Lab Start-up Award
The Delos AI team – Serena Auriemma, Ludovica Cerini, and Martina Miliani – of the Coling Lab has won the Contamination Lab Start-up Award at the University of Pisa. Congratulations at the Delos AI team for this big success!
[Seminar] Prof. Cristiano Chesi
Event Date: Thursday, 4 July, 2024 Location: 11:00-13:00, Sala Riunioni, Pal. Venera (II piano) Speaker: Prof. Cristiano Chesi (IUSS, Pavia) Title: Generative linguistics in the era of very Large Language Models Abstract: A significant debate has emerged in response to a paper written by Steven…
[Seminar] Prof. Roberto Zamparelli
Event Date: Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 Location: 10:00-12:00, Sala delle Colonne, Pal. Venera (I piano) Speaker: Prof. Roberto Zamparelli (University of Trento) Title: Un immagine e mille parole. Riflessioni sulla generazione di testo e immagini Abstract: La ricerca recente sull’intelligenza artificiale che si occupa di linguaggio…
[Event] Opening of the GoodAI Lab
On March 26th, official opening of the GoodAI Lab a multidisciplinary laboratory for the study, promotion and validation of trustworthy, transparent, robust, safe and ethical AI Systems. CoLing Lab is a founder member of the GoodAi Lab. For more information, see:
[Seminar] Prof. Arthur Glenberg
Event Date: Friday, 10 November, 2023 Location: 11:00-13:00, Sala Riunioni, Pal. Venera (II piano) Speaker: Prof. Arthur Glenberg (Arizona State University) Title: Language comprehension requires embodied processing Abstract: In the first part of this talk, I discuss whether Large Language Models, such as ChatGPT, understand language…
[Seminar] Prof. Ryan Nefdt
Event Date: Wednesday, 18 October, 2023 Location: 09:00-11:00, Sala Riunioni, Pal. Venera (II piano) Speaker: Prof. Ryan Nefdt (University of Cape Town) Title: Natural Languages and Real Patterns: Grammars and Language Models Abstract: In this talk, I present my own view of the nature of…
[Seminar] Gosse Minnema
Event Date: Thursday, 15 December, 2022 Location: 15:00-16:00, Sala Riunioni, Pal. Venera (II piano) Speaker: Gosse Minnema (University of Groningen) Title: Perspective Matters: Event Framing in Language and Society Abstract: Different linguistic expressions can conceptualize the same event from different viewpoints by emphasizing certain participants over…
[Seminar] Prof. Florent Perek
Event Date: Wednesday, 14 September, 2022 Location: 12:00-13:00, Sala Riunioni, Pal. Venera (II piano) Speaker: Prof. Florent Perek (University of Birmingham) Title: Direct object definiteness and verb meaning: A corpus-based investigation Abstract: Research on English and other languages typically makes two basic assumptions about the grammar…
[Seminar] Prof. Philippe Blache
Event Date: Wednesday, 14 September, 2022 Location: 11:00-12:00, Sala Riunioni, Pal. Venera (II piano) Speaker: Prof. Philippe Blache (CNRS & Aix-Marseille Université) Title: Compositionality, unification and the good-enough perspective Abstract: Many different works address the question of knowing whether language processing is compositional or not. As…
[Seminar] Dr. Lucia Busso & Prof. Tim Grant
Event Date: Monday, 11 July, 2022 Location: 11:00-13:00, Teams: Speaker: Dr. Lucia Busso & Prof. Tim Grant (Aston Institute for Forensic Linguistics) Title: The FOrensic Linguistic Databank: the challenge of open science in Forensic Linguistics Abstract: The talk presents an innovative online resource for sharing…